Research & Teaching Interests
Education for sustainable development.
Environmental Education
Ecosystem & Landscape Studies
Academic Profile
PhD University of Wales (1998)
Soil Chemistry Biogeography & Landscape Ecology
of upland heather moorland. and industrially derelict Land
BSc Hons.(i) Ecology: University of Stirling (1994)
Post Grad Certificate (Higher) Education (2000)
Fellow - Royal Geographical Society (1996 - present)
Senior Fellow - Advance HE (2000 - present)
(Formerly Higher Education Academy)
Dr (Ron)ald A.S. Johnston

Ecosystem Studies / Landscape Ecology
Education for Sustainable Development
‘Kissock,J.A. & Johnston, R.A.S. (2019) Back to the hills’: a commentary on a recent palynological study at Cefn Drum, Gower. South Wales Centre for Historical and Interdisciplinary Research.
Kissock,J.A. & Johnston, R.A.S. (2007) Sheep Houses and Sheepcotes - a study of the post medieval landscape of Cefn Drum, Gower. Studia Celtica XLI 1-23.
Johnston, R.A.S. (2004) The use of soils analyses to identify platform houses at Cefn Drum, Pontardulais, West Wales. Antiquity, No. 20
Kissock & Johnston, R.A.S.(2000) The Cefn Drum Research Project: mediaeval settlement and subsistence in the uplands. Annual Report of the Mediaeval Settlement Research Group. Volume 15.
Johnston, R.A.S. (1999) Vegetation change on upland heather moorland, with particular reference to the post-management nutrient status of soils. Bio: News – Newsletter of the Biogeography Research Group. Issue 48, pp 38-39.: London: Royal geographical Society.
Kissock, J.A. & Johnston, R.A.S. (1999) Cefn Drum. Cefn Drum in ‘Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry date list 31,’ Archaeometry, 44, 2002, 45 – 46.
Kissock,J.A.. & Johnston, R.A.S. (1998) "The Cefn Drum research project : medieval settlement and subsistence in the uplands'. Annual Report of the Medieval Settlement Research Group XV (49-51)
Kissock, J.A. & Johnston, R.A.S. (1998) Excavation of a House Platform on Cefn Drum, Pontardulais. Archaeology in Wales. Vol. 38 pp 71-73.
Thomas, H.S.C. & Johnston, R.A.S. (1998). Landscape ecology as a descriptor of changing land use priorities in the uplands of North Wales: A question of spatial and temporal change. Proceedings of the Biogeography Research Group 1997. London: Wiley.
Johnston, R.A.S.(1998) Post-management vegetation change on upland heather moorland with particular attention to the nutrient status of soils: Berwyn Mountains, Powys, Mid Wales, UK. PhD thesis, University of Wales
Kissock. & Johnston, R.A.S. (1998) "The Cefn Drum research project : medieval settlement and subsistence in the uplands'. Annual Report of the Medieval Settlement Research Group XIII (49-51)
Johnston, R.A.S.(1996). Holocene book reviews : Heaths and moorland: cultural landscapes Edited by D.B.A. Thompson, Alison J. Hester and Michael B. Usher. Edinburgh: Scottish Natural Heritage, HMSO, 1995, 400 pp., ISBN 0-11-495180-2. Holocene. 6. 374-375.
Johnston, R. (1993) Investigation into the environmental factors affecting the natural re-colonisation by vegetation of the oil shale spoil heaps at Philpston, West Lothian, Scotland. University of Stirling: Alba Press.
​Johnston, R A S (2025) Communicating Sustainability: Science Literacy and Transformative Pedagogies.
Chapter 16 In : Communicating a World-in-Crisis
Peter Lang : New York
Sustainability Education, Learning and Culture: Part 1
By Ron Johnston, (2024) originally published by
available at:
​ and on Research Gate
Sustainability Education, Learning and Culture: Part 2
By Ron Johnston, (2024) originally published by
available at:
and on Research Gate
Johnston (2022) : Times Higher Education Campus:
Ron Johnston provides a guide to embedding education for sustainable development into university courses by linking it with the learning outcomes of the core subject being taught:
access here:
Johnston, R.A.S. (2018) Science Education and Education for Citizenship and Sustainable Development.
In: Gateways in Higher Education: Cultures, Transitions, and Transformations Vol IV Re-Published: 2018-06-19 ((original publication date, 2011) Collected Essays, 2010 STLHE Conference: Ryerson University and Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto.
Johnston, R.A.S. (lead & edit) (2017) Kim, M. Rampal, A. Warren, A. "Building bridges between science texts and sustainable futures". In : Textbooks for Sustainable Development : a Guide to Embedding. Ch.5 p.p. 66-100. UNESCO : MGIEP p.p. 66-100
Johnston, R.A.S (2014) Case Study No. 27 The Welsh Assembly Government policy and institutional change. In: Education for sustainable development and global citizenship: good practice case studies in teacher education. TeesNet / HEA (online publication) ).
Johnston, R.A.S (2014) Embedding Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in Wales: School of Education, University of South Wales. In: Teachers: Agents of Change: A Strategic Approach to Anchoring Development Education in Czech and Polish Formal Education Systems. Liverpool Hope University
Johnston, R.A.S. (2013) The essential role of science education and ‘science awareness’ for effective education for sustainable development and global citizenship ESDGC. In: Envisioning change and achieving transformation: ESD/GC core ‘competences’ for educators, TeesNet 2012 Conference Proceedings Edited by Sally Inman & Maggie Rogers. pp. 59 – 66. London: London South Bank University ISBN 978-0-946786-76-3
Pinder,J. & Johnston, R.A.S.(2009) “Linking community education and research in Wales": Forgotten Landscapes and Big Pit”. Newport CELT Journal. Volume 2, pp. 88-90
Johnston, R.A.S. (2009) "The role of science in education for sustainable development / education for sustainable development within science". Proceedings of the University of Wales : Newport, NEXUS Conference. Linking research & teaching in Higher Education. Special Publication, No. 1, pp 27 -33